The Riven (TM) Journals - Macintosh Notes

Supported Browsers

The Riven Journals works best in the following Macintosh browsers:

Video and Audio

The site uses inline audio and 24-bit color. Be sure to connect speakers or headphones if available, and set your system's display to the greatest available color depth (Thousands or Millions of colors are best).

Navigator Notes

The optimum Macintosh configuration for this site is Navigator with Java, JavaScript and the LiveAudio plugin enabled, and with as much memory as possible allocated to the application.

Netscape requires about 18 MB of RAM to load and run the puzzle applets properly.

Internet Explorer Notes

The only disadvantage of using Explorer for this site is missing some of the JavaScript enhancements: image rollovers and status info for some of the links. On the other hand, Explorer requires far less memory than Navigator and users with slow connections will appreciate being able to easily enable/disable built-in inline audio.

Applet Troubleshooting

The most frequent causes of problems with the puzzle applets for Macintosh users are:

Copyright © 1997 Broderbund Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Riven (TM) is a trademark of Cyan, Inc.